Article supplied by RFDS
This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our Dubbo base and reflecting on our incredible stories of lives saved.
Will Murray was just two years old, and one of the first people rescued by our original Emergency Retrieval team at Dubbo.
Will was tragically run over by a tractor on his family’s sheep and cattle station in Louth, NSW, causing serious internal injuries.
His mother Liz vividly remembers the terrifying moment, being far from any major hospital and an ambulance that had to travel from Bourke 130kms away.
Thankfully our Emergency Retrieval team mobilised from Dubbo and transported Will and his parents Liz and Gary back to Dubbo where they met a paediatric trauma team from Sydney and were then flown on to the Sydney Children’s Hospital by Air Ambulance.
Will was placed in a coma until hospital staff discovered the extent of his injuries which were life-threatening. He remained in a coma in intensive care for the next several days while staff monitored his internal bleeding and he underwent daily CAT scans. Thankfully Will recovered and two weeks later, he was able to return home.
Today, 27-year-old Will is living a healthy life. The Murray’s have never forgotten the life-saving role the Flying Doctor played, but it was only made possible because of supporters like you, who care about families like the Murray’s.
“It’s hard to put into words the gratitude we feel,” Liz shared. “The Flying Doctor gave us our son’s future, and for that, we’ll be forever thankful.”